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Memorials, Tributes and Friends


We remember the animals that have touched our lives and recognize the people who have a special affinity for their animal friends.




Bismarck was a 140 lb. Leonberger that passed away in 2014, just 12 days shy of his 10th birthday, leaving a Bismarck-sized hole in our hearts.  He led an extraodinary life - he had 18 trans-Atlantic flights and left his mark (literally!) in 7 countries. With his webbed feet, he loved swimming and swam in Little Kennisis Lake, the North Sea, the Moselle River, and the Gulf of Mexico. He loved his snow pile in winter and his daily boat rides in summer. He was Tayce's "therapy dog" in Detroit, Roy's pal in Brussels, the construction site supervisor, and the official greeter of all our friends.  He loved people and parties, treats and cheese, walks, bumscratches, cuddles, presents, his stuffed animals and us.  As difficult as it was to watch him decline over a three month period with osteosarcoma (bone cancer), we can't imagine how hard it must be for people who cannot afford the pain meds or other necessary veterinary interventions. That's why we started the Haliburton Pet Owners' Assistance Fund - it's our way of paying forward all the good things he brought to us.






Joan and John Middleton will miss Geneva's gentle and playful presence.  Joan will miss her early morning walks with the Swiss Miss.  She will be fondly remembered.




Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all - After 14 1/2 years of exciting times, especially at the lake, as a special pet and friend to John and Joan Middleton, Merlin passed on in April, 2020.  His owners will miss throwing sticks for him this summer and his Bernese Mountain Dog sister, Geneva, will miss her cuddle buddy.


Chase was the special friend of Peter & Marilyn Hewitt from 2007-2021 and playmate to Taffy.   He was known to so many on West Shore - he would greet everyone as a friend when he went on one of his walkabouts.  He loved going on walks and boat rides and canoe trips with his people, and going for swims in the Kennisis River.  He was always interested in what his people were having for appetizers and was even known to help himself to a bite or two!  Chase will be fondly remembered always as a very special canine companion.




Sadie was a constant companion for almost 13 years through very sad times and times of great joy. She travelled across Canada five times, to the U.S. many times, and was the world's best backseat driver.  Her favourite place was Amazing Grace, on Grace Lake, swimming in the lake or sunning herself on the dock.  She was kind to all and greeted her people every morning with her "helicopter tail" wag.



In memory of dear sweet happy Colebee. He left us Feb. 28th. 2021 at 11 years young. He never lost his puppyness right to the end.  As a herding dog he would bark at new people that came to the door, but as soon as they sat down he would jump up and sit on them as if to say "Don't move - I got you where I want you!"      He will always be remembered with fond hearts and great memories.


Berry Bear


Bear Brian Berman (also known as Berry Bear, Bear Bear, Mucky Mucks (Mukwa Nimoosh and Makoons) and the Best Boy in the World)

February 17 2007 - January 25 2021

If you ever met him, you would know that he was special. Bear was the sweetest, smartest, most sensitive, patient, and cutest big dog in the world. He had dog friends all over Haliburton. He had human friends of all ages. He touched so many souls. When we walked by the Haliburton dance school, all the little girls in their tutus and slippers ran out of class to hug him and cuddle him. In the park, the high school kids greeted him with lots of hands. At turtle camp, even those that were afraid of dogs quickly befriended him. He made Curve Lake Cultural Centre, Sandy and Italo at the Corner Cafe, the folks at the Haliburton driving range and everyone at the Subaru dealership in Haliburton, Marilyn and Brad’s, MaryHelen and Bill, Sandy and Gerry’s, his second, third homes and family. He was welcomed into places dogs are not usually allowed from ceremonies to conference centres. Many five year-olds made friends with him at the vet, at the mechanic, in towns - and they drew pictures of themselves with him or asked their parents to take pictures with him. 


Berry Bear

Wherever he went, people would stop and ask about him, to pet him, and take pictures of him. It was impossible to walk 100 metres without 20 hands reaching out to him. He was maple syrup and gold and ice cream and chocolate brownies and soup on a cold day and the best dog in the world. God took him but he is also still all around us and will be always. He was Haliburton’s dog. We will be reunited again over the rainbow bridge in heaven and until then we send you hugs and bones and so much love and friendship. Berry Bear my heart can’t stop loving you- forever.



For many years, Indy, a beautiful golden retriever, warmly greeted visitors to the Cottage Country Log Cabin Trading Company in West Guilford. When Indy sadly passed away this past winter, owner Patricia Bertram decided the best way to honour him would be to encourage customers to contribute to the Haliburton Pet Fund. By Thanksgiving, customers had put $500 into the "toonie jar" by the till, which Pat matched to make a very generous - and very appreciated - contribution of $1000. We can't say thank you enough to Pat and her customers! Be sure to stop by the Log Cabin Trading Company to see the great cottage wares on sale and to give Ruby, Pat's new golden puppy, a pat.




Bella was a ray of sunshine on even the darkest day for Kim, John, Zachary and Robin Brown.  She will be forever remembered and loved.







In loving memory of crazy, manic, excitable but oh so loving and gentle Gabe, who passed away of lung cancer just before Christmas. He will be sadly missed by Tricia, Clive and Ace and everyone who looked forward to a big welcome from him.


Big Boy


In loving memory of of Big Boy, long-time companion of HPOAF director, Andrea Habas and friend of Puddin. Always there with a purr to welcome her home and always up for a snuggle by the TV - he will stay with Andrea in her heart. Our thoughts are with her in her loss.



In loving memory of Hurley, (Golden Rescue #1545), a wonderful, funny and friendly Golden Retriever who was best pal to Amber and loved Terry and family. Hurley was a bit of an escape artist, who loved to visit his neighbours for extra pats (and we'll confess, a few treats). We'll miss his swim-ups when we're having hors d'oeuvres by the lake. Our hearts are with Terry, Amber and family in their loss.

In loving memory of Sage, a sweet and gentle Labrador Retriever.

Sage left us much too soon, just before his 12th birthday due to a terminal lung condition. 

He had a huge heart and a presence that was larger than life. 

Our lives have been enriched beyond measure by him. No better friend there ever was. 

We love and miss him,

Deb, Brad, and Basil

We thank Janis Parker for her contribution to the Haliburton Pet Fund in memory of Darla.  Such a wonderful dog who will be missed so much!  Our thoughts are with Janis and her family in their loss.


Our hearts are with Nona-Lyn Philp who has lost four of her precious pups recently after giving each of them very special gifts of life.  The Haliburton Pet Owners' Assistance Foundation expresses our deep appreciation to Ms. Philp for making a generous contribution to the Haliburton Pet Owners' Assistance Fund in tribute to her animal companions.  



Joey - 2002-2017 - Joey is Nona-Lyn's heart song, full of Maltese spirit, who never backed away from a challenge.  After a nearly fatal bout of pancreatitis, he became Nona's shadow, wanting to be held and carried - something he would never have allowed before.  Like all the others, he was sentenced to die at an early age, but Nona was lucky to hold him and share his life for 13 years.  He is very much missed.

Marley - 2005-2017 - A beautiful blue merle English Cocker, gone too soon to cancer.  He was fun-loving, as you can see from his picture, and very clever.  He was always one step ahead of Nona in figuring how to defeat the locks on the dog food cupboard!  Nona misses the sunshine he brought to her life.  Suddenly, he was gone!

Becky - 1999-2017 - A brave and stoic Cocker Spaniel, who survived 10 years of puppy mill imprisonment, then Stage 4 mammary cancer at age 16, and went on to live two more years to age 18.  At age 10, she first had the opportunity to learn what toys mean, what freedom means, what love means.  Nona-Lyn was blessed to be part of her discovery.

Gigi - 2003-2017 - A loving and lively little Bichon, her life scheduled to end at age 2, but who gave her heart to Nona-Lyn instead, and found her forever home.  She was loyal and protective.  She bravely fought lymphoma for five months until she was too tired to fight any longer.  She left a hole that will never be filled.

Recently, HPOAF presented Joanne George with a plaque in memory of Smiley and to express our appreciation to his family - and all of Smiley's fans worldwide - for their support of the Haliburton Pet Fund. A plaque can never express how much your love and support has meant to us - but it was the best way we could think of to send a lasting thank you! We're so glad to see that Smiley's gift of love lives on with Sunny joining the family. Thank you so much again and all the best!

2018 03 29 Joanne George Sunny Smiley Ap
Rose Johansen Memorial

We thank the family and friends of Rozanne Johansen who have kindly donated to the Pet Fund in her memory. Sadly, Rose passed away in September, 2018 following a brave battle with cancer.  Rose was a very loving and kind person to all she met. This love and kindness extended not just to people but to animals as well. Rose loved her pets dearly and knew the financial struggles their care may cost.  We hope that her family has received some comfort in knowing that pets and their owners will be helped in Rose's memory.  

Charitable number 81251 31740RR0001 ©2024 by the Haliburton Pet Owners' Assistance Fund

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